Monday, April 23, 2018

Science . . . the Write Way

Twice I have been honored to contribute to Larry Ferlazzo's Education Week column, Classroom Q&A. This tweet at the right announcing the most recent contribution is getting a bit of attention tonight, so I thought I could put together some references about science writing.

First, please visit and read Larry's column. He includes ideas from a variety of teachers so there will certainly be something of interest to all educators. This particular column addresses "ways to integrate writing into science classes" and features my ideas alongside Mary Tedrow, Maria Grant, and Diane Lapp. I also participated in Larry's BAM Radio Network program with Maria and Mary and you can listen to that program here.

I have written two posts to my blog about the way I incorporate writing into my chemistry classes with lab reports. I have twice modified testing rubrics so that my students receive regular practice at writing using a standardized test rubric to guide their practice. In this way, I can reinforce what they practice in English class and help prepare them for their state tests. If you could like to read my post about the modified PARCC rubric, click here. If you would like to read the post about my modified AIR rubric (Ohio test), click here. In both posts I share my actual rubrics. Feel free to use them if they suit your needs!

How are you integrating writing in science class? Please leave your ideas in the comments below.

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